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amy tan

Updated: May 10, 2020

The word “pressed” reminds us of how grapes are pressed so that good wine can be made, eventually enjoyed, bringing satisfaction and pleasure to both the maker and those who drink of it.

In the winemaking process, choice grapes will be gathered and pressed so that the best juices can be obtained and undesirable residue discarded. The pure juice will then be stored in quality barrels and left to rest unshaken and for a good few months or years. Good quality wines are then obtained.

Many of us may feel that we are facing pressures of all kinds. Be it coping with exams, work issues, dealing with friendships or family relationships, our struggles are many.

The passage tells us that we may be hard-pressed but we are not crushed, perplexed but not destroyed . Why is that so?

Firstly, just like the grapes, being hard- pressed is not necessarily a bad thing, pressure or challenges in life are necessary so that the best can be “squeezed” out of us. Character, perseverance, hard experiences through trials and trying situations build strong people, of which you can be one. As the saying goes, “no pain, no gain. We may be going through a season where tough decisions need to be made. However, upon making certain decisions or taking action, we end up hurting self and others, feeling rejected and discouraged. Just like the residual parts of grapes that are discarded because they hinder the production of good wine, so must we let go of areas of our lives that stumble us from being the best we can be. Our wrong decisions, bad influences or stubbornness are often the cause of pressure and disappointments. Instead of reflecting on self, we end up blaming others and circumstances around us.

We need rest too! Good wine is produced only after a period of rest. Tiredness and fatigue releases unpleasant aromas that turn people away because of the way we react or respond. Lack of rest causes us to be weak, negative and ineffective . Just like the wines, laying unshaken in the barrels, undisturbed and unshaken, then can we emit that sweet aroma that will bring joy And draw others into love and hope. God is with us in all circumstances. Stand firm and know He loves us.


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