The eagle is by far the most inspirational creature that I know of. Because of its fierce beauty and majestic independence, it is often used as a symbol of strength and power in many countries and among businesses.
Eagles have powerful vision. Their eyes are up to 8 times sharper than humans. Their long distance focus and clarity enables them to see as far as 1 ½ miles ahead and very deep into the waters. As their eyes are on the side of their heads, they have a wide field of view. With their powerful vision, and quick response, they survive extremely well.
The eagle’s wingspan is 6-7 feet, weighing 8-12 pounds, mainly heavy on the wings, as their bones are hollow and light. Hence, flapping its heavy wings continuously throughout the flight would be dangerously exhausting.
To conserve energy, eagles have to fly smart. During lift off from high grounds, the eagle uses great effort to flap its heavy wings so it can gain speed and catch the wind. Then, it cleverly rides on the updrafts and wind thermals going their way, gliding with the wind to its destination.
In the absence of favourable wind going their way, the eagle waits patiently, sometimes for days before the right wind comes. Even though their prey may seem waiting to be devoured, the eagle has to let go of the opportunity, knowing that any impulsive and foolish flight against the wind direction will be fruitless and life-threatening. Eagles are wise, smart, with a strong will to survive.
Unlike many other birds, eagles love the storms. They will courageously fly right into it despite the risk it involves because they can use the wind pressure to rise higher and lift them to fly further. They choose to overcome the storms because their powerful vision and wisdom tells them that beyond the fierce storms lies something more wonderful. It is worth it all. Eagles choose to be brave over-comers, no matter how tough the weather may be.
Isaiah 40:30-31
“30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
We are constantly challenged physically, emotionally or spiritually. As the passage writes, it is normal to feel tired and weary. We all stumble and fall at some point in our life. But we can renew our strength and overcome. Here is how. we can
Have vision. Like the eagle, stay focused, look far ahead. Move only in the direction that leads to safety and your ultimate goal. Look far beyond the storms. There will be a rainbow of hope, for God’s plans are only to prosper us, never to harm us.
Be wise. Move at the right time, in the right direction and like the eagle, you will find the journey smoother and less exhausting. Abandon your old ways that go against the wind. Flee temptation, surrender all addiction or rebellious ways that weaken us, for we will only stand defeated. Follow the thermal winds that you know will carry you through. Make wise choices, seek support of family and reliable friends, embrace leaders and mentors who constantly speak life. Choose to follow the ways of God and the wind of the Holy Spirit that will only keep us safe and saved.
Be a brave over-comer. Welcome storms. Just like the eagle, leap courageously into the wind pressures of storms, we can only soar higher, be stronger and bolder when we brave through it all. Storms build character, storms make us brave.
So, soar on wings like eagles and you will run and not grow weary, you will walk and not grow faint, if you choose to fly with vision, wisdom and courage to overcome. Choose to wait upon the Lord and let our strength be renewed. Follow the wind of God and we can fly higher and find the rainbow of hope beyond the storms.