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amy tan

Updated: May 10, 2020

Hardships, sickness, suffering seemingly draw us away from God. Our passion for Christ dies or slowly fades away as we are faced with circumstances we wish would never be placed in our lives. We reject intimacy with the one who loves us as we choose to dwell in self pity or sorrow instead. We compare ourselves with those who seem to be doing better or have more and we choose to hide behind a mask where no man can unveil. The phone line from us to heaven is broken. But God sees us all. He is still there, He cares

Truth is that God allows such circumstances in our lives to remind us constantly that it’s not the destination that’s of utmost importance, but the journey with Him that will unveil His goodness and mercy so much more than a journey focussed on self. That which focuses on self can only lead to destruction.

Paul writes to remind us that if we should boast, we should boast of things that show our weaknesses (2 Cor 3:10), for where we are weak, God is strong. It is at our breaking points, where we can feel that uplifting hand pick us up and then our faith increases in huge measures. Ready or not, storms hit us unexpectedly almost everyday of our lives. Easier said than done. But try it! LET Go an d let GOD!

No one can change the circumstances we are in, or the people we meet but we all can change the way we respond towards such circumstances. Acceptance of who we are, our circumstances, embracing the privilege of being a child of God sets us free! Open up the gift box of the Holy Spirit and breathe in life. We will be refreshed, recharged as we are consumed and refined.

No one can control what God wills in our lives, not disaster, not failure, nor sickness or suffering. No one can stop Him from bestowing peace, success or simple joy into our lives when the timing is right. Happy or sad, rich or poor, God loves us all. We are marked as His children, and daddy God gives only good gifts to us all. Good gifts do not always come in the form of what we like, good gifts can be bitter( like medicine that heals) or physically draining (running to win a race)

We are all uniquely loved.. Our God is good and in all circumstances, He has prepared the way for us, ultimately victorious and our enemies defeated. We are not promised a bed of roses, in fact persecutions and suffering are part and parcel of our relationship in Him. And when that happens, we win by letting Him lead us every step of the way and we watch the miracles happen.

I claim that when I am weak and down., I am strong because His ways are higher, deeper, wider than any other. No one can ever fathom such love. But this love is real. It will carry us through.


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