Often, our opinions are opened up to human reasoning, where we live our lives void of the presence of the Lord, leading us to disobedience, causing us to fall.
When we get into a place where multiple options are presented, we are challenged to decide for ourselves who GOD is to us. Wrong choices lead us to the slippery slope of human disobedience where we slide down in pain, injuring self and others. These decisions are made based on MEology and not Theology, centred around the big I but not involving the walk into the closet of God's heart. Where the human mind is self satisfied and fed by worldly opinions, where seeds may be sown yet no fruit is borne, continuity ceases, we become a changed world, rather than a world changer.
Human rationale is not evil in every way! When it is shaped by the mind of God and the word of God, the seeds multiply till overflowing. With our hearts guarded (Proverbs 4:23), our lives in submission, we can flee temptation (James4:7), make right decisions that spur one another on, instead of causing self and others to stumble and fall.
God's truth is the most powerful force for positive change in the world (Hebrew 4:12).
Flee from the temptation of being satisfied by things we agree with and those whom we agree with, while we reject the partnership of the Holy Spirit and those who seemingly rebel against us, unless they act like us, or think like us. The danger lies ahead, if we keep choosing allies who never ever disagree with us, for what they say or do may completely not involve the partnership and agreement of daddy God.
We must flee from the lust of flesh and greed of mind for things that shine us and not the Love of God. We need to be courageous to choose paths unknown and prepare for the journey that may seem impossible. We need to allow God to gear us with crampons or heavy footwear with friction that add weight on us, yet allowing us to climb up slippery slopes to reach the destination where He has prepared for us to go.
His Mind, His Heart house big rooms of Love and Compassion. We can test and approve what God's will is. His Good, Pleasing and Perfect Will will reveal His nature that shouts of His Love and Compassion and His Passion for His children. For this is the Heart of the Father.