Often, we face with circumstances in our lives that cause us to feel we are placed in a “cistern” like Joseph was (Genesis 37-50). He was betrayed, sold, rejected and subsequently spent years in prison, stripped off from his title of being Jacob’s favourite son, instead ended up as a slave in a land far from his home. He lost everything! How frightening, lonely, or unfair, we might think, He was just a immature, tattle tale (likely…). Yet, it impressed me to wonder why Joseph throughout his “lock in” period or often we call it trials, never blamed God, he wasn’t bitter or resentful and while in slavery, he served his master faithfully, attributing every single success to the Lord’s wisdom and provision. He never took credit for anything. It was obviously difficult for him. He must have learnt from his past, with a humility that helped him recognise that God allowed such situations to discipline him, to change him. It gave him moments of reflection, God moments where there surely must have been a deep sense of inner peace, filling him with the overwhelming love and security throughout his dark nights. How he stood firm against the temptation of Potiphar’s wife and choosing to flee from it, doing what is right in God’s eyes, despite knowing the brutal consequence of it all.
I truly wondered how anyone, in such times, can be filled with thanksgiving and praise while in prison. How he would continually give of his best, while separated from those whom he loved, willingly interpreting Pharoah’s dreams and helping others out of prison while he remained the victim in such situations. He must have had deep, personal God encounters in his quiet moments, during which times, God must have revealed to him His purpose for Joseph’s life. God must have spoken tenderly to him, reminding him of how much he was loved! I’m so reminded again the God loves us. Through his years of suffering, God must have taught him how to turn away from self pity, bitterness and probably filled him with forgiveness that set him free. Physical freedom from the prison walls and bars would mean nothing if Joseph had not allowed God’s redeeming Grace to free him spiritually and emotionally! Joseph needed to let go and let God. Just like we do!
How often are we bound by chains that wear us down, willowing in self pity and blaming all others for the circumstances we are in, sinking deeper and deeper into the “cistern” complaining, filled with anger and wrestling with losing battles and eventually drowning, losing family and friends. Joseph did not fight his brothers when he was taken out of the cistern to be sold, Joseph did not punish his betrayers when they met again, Joseph instead embraced and treasured every precious moment in his life to allow God to mould him and nurture him and use him to bless others around him. Joseph was strengthened by tough situations because he never forgot that God loves him and has a plan for him. He made mistakes in his younger life boasting about his dreams, but God still kept His promise and his brothers, did eventually bow down to Joseph, as in the dream. But that was not Joseph’s intention. He genuinely looked forward to a day of reconciliation and reunion. He waited, patiently ….. wow how hard is that?
God shuts us in and allows hard times to discipline us, to transform us and prepare us for a future that we can’t see or hear about. Situations could be worse if God had not taken Joseph out of his family for that temporal number of years. Joseph kept the faith, and accepted his situations knowing good would come out of it all. God is faithful and just and always good. Be loved by daddy God and know God has a plan for you and for me! Still pressing on!